Friday, March 5, 2010

Track Reminders for First Day of Practice

The first day of mandatory track practice is this Monday (March 8th) at 2:45 in the high school weight room. Please remember the following in preparation for Monday,

1. Make sure all paperwork is turned in to the athletic office. This includes a current physical, and all emergency medical forms and acknowledgment papers.

2. Dress warm! Rain, snow, or sun, we will be outside for a portion of practice on Monday. Please wear sweatshirts, sweatpants, hats, etc.

3. You can order warm-ups and other gear until Sunday March 14th. Reminder, we are asking for all freshman and sophomores to order a new warm-up that they can use for the duration of their high school track career. To order, please do the following:
  • Go to
  • Enter team access code "eagles8DK"
  • Order items using credit or debit card.
  • All items will be delivered and distributed at the school.
4. We are still in need of parents to sign up to volunteer for the two home meets we will be hosting. Parents that already signed up at the pre-season parent meeting do not need to do anything further. If you still need to sign up, please follow the directions below.
  • Go to the right side of page under maroon bar at the top and Click on Log In.
  • Type the user name – volunteer
  • Type password – eagles

Click on Athletic Volunteers

1. Scroll down to #9 TRACK

2. Click what you would like to volunteer for - i.e., TICKETS

3. Click the Edit tab

4. Find the date(s) you would like to volunteer and type your name

5. Click Save (you may have to scroll to the bottom for the save button)

6. Click Ath.Volunteer on the gold bar

7. Either log out or repeat steps 2-6 to continue the process for volunteering

To end - click logout - just under the maroon bar at the top right.

  • That's it. When anyone signs up, it is saved globally so everyone has the most current list.
5. If you still need to be added to the email distribution list, please email Coach Olinger at

Go Eagles!

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