Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Eagles win Bishop Hartley Invitational

Congratulations to the New Albany High School Boy's Track Team for their team win on Saturday at the Bishop Hartley Invitational. By winning 8 of the 16 events scored, the Eagles combined for 179.5 points to beat second place Bishop Hartley who ended up with 103 points. Final team results are as follows:

1. New Albany - 179.5
2. Bishop Hartley - 113
3. Eastmoor Academy - 104
4. Licking Heights - 83.5
5. Worthington Christian - 76
6. Whitehall - 36.5
7. Columbus East - 3.5

Special congratulations to those involved in setting two new school records on Saturday. Those setting school records were Michael Burton in the 110 High Hurdles running a time of 14.9 and the 4x800 relay team of Nick Buck, Blake Taneff, Juvon Williams, and Drew Windle who beat the school record by 5 seconds in the time of 8:29.

Top Finishers on Saturday included the following:
  • 4x800 Relay - 1st place - Nick Buck, Blake Taneff, Juvon Williams, Drew Windle - 8:29
  • 110 High Hurdles - 1st place - Michael Burton - 14.9
  • 1600 meters - 1st place - Blake Taneff - 4:40
  • 100 meters - 1st place - Ross Watkins - 11.03
  • 800 meters - 1st place - Drew Windle - 2:11
  • 3200 meters - 1st place - Sebastian Matt - 11:15
  • High Jump - 1st place - Collin Show - 6'
  • Long Jump - 1st place - Zach Galbreath - 20'
The Eagles will be going for a third straight meet victory on Tuesday at Franklin Heights. This will be the last week of preparation before the 1st annual Eagle Cup versus Big Walnut on Tuesday May 5th at Eagle Stadium in New Albany.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Results from Dublin Coffman...

The boy's team competed at the Dublin Coffman Invitational on Saturday finishing 8th out of 20 teams.  Final boy's team results are as follows:
1.  Brunswick  85
2.  Hoover  77.66
3.  Pickerington Central  73.66
4.  Dublin Coffman 50.66
5.  Hilliard Davidson 47
6.  Lancaster 45
7.  Olentangy Liberty 37.66
8.  New Albany 37.50
9.  Central Catholic 37
10.  Mount Vernon 28.66
11.  Hilliard Darby 28
12.  Dublin Jerome 28.66
13.  W. Kilbourne 25
14.  Thomas Worthington 22
15.  Olentangy  21
16.  Westerville South 19
17.  Springfield 18.50
18.  Whetstone 14
19.  W. Christian 5
20.  Dublin Scioto 2
Special congratulations go to the following individuals who finished in the top 3 in their events!
  • Blake Taneff - Winner of the 3200 in 9:51.
  • Zach Galbreath - 2nd place in the long jump with a jump of 21 feet 2.5 inches
  • Collin Show - 3rd place in the high jump with a jump of 6 feet
Also, congratulations to those individuals who placed in the top 8 in their events earning points for the team.
  • Michael Burton - 110 High Hurdles - 4th place - 16.00
  • Collin Show - 110 High Hurdles - 8th place - 16.98
  • 4x800 Relay (Nick Buck, David Soldaini, Juvon Williams, and Drew Windle) - 5th place - tied school record in 8:34.9
  • 4x200 Relay (Taylor Primeau, Nate Guy, Juvon Williams, Ross Watkins) - 8th place - 1:33. 28
  • Blake Taneff - 1600 meter run - 6th place - 4:41
  • 4x100 Relay (Zach Galbreath, Ross Watkins, Nate Guy, Alex Cook) - 8th place - 44.91
The boy's have two meets this week.  Tuesday at home versus Olentangy Orange - field events starting at 4:30, running events starting at 5:00.  Saturday we are at the Bishop Hartley Invitational.  More information coming soon.  

Lastly, thought for the week from President Theodore Roosevelt....

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

Go Eagles!

- Coach O. 

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Week of April 14th...

The boy's team represented NAHS with pride Saturday at the Big Walnut Eagle Relays. Competing against numerous league teams and fellow central Ohio squads, the boy's finished third with a total of 58 points narrowly edging 4th place and fellow OCC Capital Conference member, Delaware Hayes.  Olentangy Liberty took 2nd place and host school Big Walnut took first place.  Top performers on Saturday were the following:
  • 4x800 (8:52) - 2nd Place - Nick Buck, Blake Taneff, Kyle Manion, and Drew Windle
  • Shot Put (121' 10 1/2'') - 2nd Place - Alex Sycher, John Rohrlick, and Sly Hagan
  • Long Jump (59'10'') - 2nd Place - Zach Galbreath, Michael Burton, and Chandler Tunney
  • 4x400 (3:38) - 3rd Place - Taylor Primeau, Drew Windle, Nick Buck, and Nate Guy
Additionally, the boy's will be competing against Watkins Memorial on Tuesday in Pataskala.  Bus leaves at 3:25 from the high school.  Rosters will be distributed to the team on Monday at practice.  All members of the track team will be involved.  Just a few reminders for Tuesday's meet...
  • Dress appropriately.  Weather forecast is calling for rain!
  • Eat before you catch the bus!  You are in charge of your own food.  Make sure to eat healthy and bring Gatorade/Water with you.
  • Make sure all under armour/compression shorts are black!
  • Check the instructions about dual meets on the side of this page.  
  • Represent NAHS with class in all you do!
  • Do all you can do to help the team win this meet.
Go Eagles!
- Coach O. 

Friday, April 10, 2009

Big Walnut Golden Eagle Relays - Saturday April 11th, 2009

This Saturday, April 11th, we will be competing at the Big Walnut Golden Eagle Relays.  Rosters were distributed at practice on Thursday and any individual on the roster should be at the school to catch the bus at 8:00 a.m.  A few other reminders are:
  • If you are not running Saturday, you are still encouraged to come to the meet.  
  • Field events start at 9:30, 6400 meter relay is at 11:00, running events start at 12:30.
  • Make sure to dress in layers.  High is supposed to be 55 and it will be COLD in the morning.
  • Remember, all relay teams must match.  Any under armour or compression short need to be black with only 1 logo.
  • Don't forget your spikes!
  • Schedule for next week:
Monday - 2:45 (meet in weight room)
Tuesday - @ Watkins (dual meet - EVERYONE is competing! - bus leaves at 3:00.
Wednesday - 2:45 (meet in weight room
Thursday - 3:30 (meet at track)
Friday - 3:30 (meet at track)
Saturday - Dublin Coffman Invitational (more info coming soon)

See you on Saturday.  Go Eagles!
- Coach O. 

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Results, Pictures, Practice, and Big Walnut Golden Eagle Relays...

On Saturday, NAHS competed at the Wildcat Premier Invitational.  Running against some of the top talent in the state, the Eagles finished 12th out 16 teams with 26 points.  Order of team results are as follows:
1.  St. Ignatius - 109
2. Reynoldsburg - 92
3. Medina - 88
4. Pickerington North - 80
5.  Cleveland Glenville - 76
5.  Hilliard Darby - 76
7.  Lancaster - 55
8.  Hilliard Davidson - 44
9.  Dublin Coffman - 43
10.  Pickerington Central - 40
11.  Westerville Central - 32
12.  New Albany - 26
12.  Dublin Jerome - 26
14.  St. Charles - 12
15.  Withrow - 9
15.  Dublin Scioto - 9 

Top finishers scoring points on Saturday were the following individuals  and relay teams:
  • High Jump (3rd place) - Collin Show 5'10'', Nate Guy 5'6'', Chad Guy 5'4''
  • Long Jump (3rd place) - Zach Galbreath 19'2'', Michael Burton 19', Kevin Collins 16'10''
  • 3200 meters (4th place) - Blake Taneff 10:03
  • 110 m high hurdles (5th place) - Michael Burton 15.3
  • Discus (7th place) - Alex Sycher 116' 3'', Sly Hagan 103' 1'', Sam Choi 90'6''
  • 4x100 Relay (8th place) - Z. Galbreath, Nate Guy, Chandler Tunney, M. Burton - 46.3
  • Sprint Medley (8th place) - C. Tunney, Nate Guy, A. Sycher, Z. Galbreath - 1:42.8
  • 4x400 Relay (8th place) - K. Collins, Nate Guy, Zach Galbreath, Juvon Williams - 3:42

This coming Saturday, the Eagles will be participating in the Golden Eagle Relays at Big Walnut High School.  Roster and bus time will be posted later this week. 

Other announcements include:
1.  Practice times this week are as follows
  • Monday - 2:45 (meet in weight room)
  • Tuesday - 3:30 (meet at track)
  • Wednesday - 2:45 (meet in weight room)
  • Thursday - 3:30 (meet at track)
  • Friday - 3:30 (meet at track)
  • Saturday - @ Big Walnut Golden Eagle Relays
2.  Pictures are Tuesday at 5:30.  Picture forms will be handed out Monday at practice and any athlete that does not have a uniform should pick one up from Coach Olinger on Monday after practice.  Athletes should wear uniforms tops and shorts for pictures.  Athletes should not wear under armour under his jersey for pictures.  

3.  It is going to be cold this week!  Make sure to dress appropriately for practice this week.  We will practice rain, snow, or sun.  We are too far into the season to cancel practice during the week.  Hats, gloves, sweatshirts, and tights should be worn for practice!

Quote for the week...

"The body is capable of achieving almost anything, it is the mind you have to convince!"
- Vince Lombardi

If you have any questions about track this week, please contact Coach Olinger at 

Go Eagles!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Saturday April 4th - Hilliard Davidson Invitational

The boy's team will be competing at Hilliard Davidson on Saturday April 4th.  The bus leaves at 6:55 a.m. with field events starting at 9:00 a.m. and final running events at 11:00 a.m. Note...There will be a 6400 meter relay and this will be held when field events begin at 9:00 a.m. Semifinals of the 110 m high hurdles, 100 meters,  and 200 meters will also be held at 9:00 a.m. 

Roster of individuals competing on Saturday has been emailed and posted in the locker room. Please contact Coach Olinger if you have any questions.  We will be returning to the high school in the afternoon, estimated time of arrival is 6:00 p.m. (please remember meets can run fast or slow and this is only an estimated time of arrival.)  For more meet information please go to Davidson's track website at http://www.davidsontrack.blogspot.com/  We hope you can come out and support NAHS Track! Go Eagles!